
How to keep your child protected from mosquitoes whilst travelling?

How to keep your child protected from mosquitoes whilst travelling?

Mosquitoes can bring with them all sorts of illnesses, and it’s often a common worry for parents on how to keep the little ones protected. Dengue, chikungunya and malaria are among the more common mosquito-related illnesses, and all of these can be incredibly harmful to children. Fortunately, they are preventable. Here are some ways to protect your family against mosquitoes. 1. Dress to protect One of the most effective ways of protecting your baby is quite simplistic, but it’s simply to minimise the area of exposed skin. Now, when you’re in the hot climates it can be difficult to weigh...

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Want to backpack on a budget? Here are four tips!

Want to backpack on a budget? Here are four tips!

It’s an age-old problem for many keen backpackers - they’re excited to head out and see the world, but they’re struggling to work out how they can do this on a limited budget. Backpacking doesn’t have to be expensive though, and in fact, there are many simple ways to make sure you’re making your money go further on your trip of a lifetime. This blog looks at just how you can stretch your money further, stay on the road longer, and ultimately have the money to do everything that you want to do whilst you’re visiting the countries on your...

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Make sure you’re prepared for mosquitos on your hiking holiday

Make sure you’re prepared for mosquitos on your hiking holiday

If you’re backpacking or going on a hiking holiday, it’s extremely important that you’re prepared to fight against the age-old nuisance - mosquitoes and other bugs! Wilderness explorers have to deal with buzzing and biting and then the inevitable itch if they aren’t prepared. In some cases, for those who are more adventurous, there can be even more danger - Dengue, or even Zika, can all be an issue in foreign lands, which means that, in every scenario, being prepared for mosquitos is important. When it comes to mosquitoes, your first line of defence in the wilderness (and anywhere, really)...

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Backpacking Essentials for your South East Asia Trip!

Backpacking Essentials for your South East Asia Trip!

If you're planning on heading to Southeast Asia for the first time, it can be hard to know what to pack. Unfortunately, the thousands of packing lists available online don't make it any easier and often offer conflicting advice - should you take jeans or not? Do you need a laptop? What about a first aid kit? Should you bring a backpack or a suitcase? Do you need hiking boots? And, importantly, which insect repellent should you be taking with you? Whether you're planning on lounging on the beaches of Southern Thailand, searching for orangutans in the rainforests of Borneo,...

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